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Career Coaching Services

Programs for guiding you toward your goals

Career Coaching

If you’re looking for a career change or guidance in your personal journey, my coaching will give you clarity with compassion.

My program is structured around a coaching model developed by the Christian Coach Institute. Using this approach, I have helped hundreds of clients achieve their personal and professional goals.

As a Certified Professional Life Coach and Career consultant, I’m passionate about seeing you thrive. When starting a new job, I’ll be there to advise you. This reinforces your success during the first 90 days and is invaluable as you settle into your new role.
If you’re ready to make a personal or professional change, my coaching will give you the confidence, encouragement, and process you need to start this new chapter in your life.

My career coaching services include Résumé Development, Interview Preparation, Networking, and Assessments.

Résumé Development

I am an expert at creating customized, marketable résumés geared toward the job you want. My years of experience in career consulting and leadership development gives me unique insight into what hiring managers and recruiters are searching for when filling their positions.

I will conduct an in-depth interview to uncover your unique strengths, achievements, and expertise. Next, I’ll build your résumé using this information to complement the job you are applying for. Your new résumé will give you the leverage needed to begin the interview process positioned as a top candidate.


Interview Preparation

Starting my career as a recruiter, I know the ins-and-outs of conducting an interview. My coaching will remove any fear or anxiety you have about the process.

Your training starts with learning how to answer targeted, behavior-based questions. I develop these by anticipating the conversations you will have during your interview. As you practice answering these questions with me, the session is recorded. This part of your coaching is extremely valuable, as it highlights areas where you may need improvement, as well as the areas you need to stress to showcase your unique skill set and capture the attention of the interviewer.

I also teach you how to discover the true needs of a hiring manager, by asking specific thought-provoking questions. This allows the hiring manager to give you insight into the company’s expectations and what it takes to be successful in the role.

After your coaching session, you’ll be armed with the confidence and preparation needed to receive an offer and secure the job.


This skill is essential when it comes to finding your new job. It is estimated that 80% of new hires are discovered through networking and referrals. If you are switching career paths or looking to advance within your current company, your networking strategy is a vital component of your success.

I teach you the nuances of networking and how to start making meaningful connections. With my coaching, you will gain the skills needed to become an effective networker. I’ll teach you how to conduct informational meetings, stand out in networking groups, and generate referrals that will help you in your career transition.


You need to stand out to potential employers. My assessment method is a thorough discovery process that reveals your unique talents and skill set.

I will walk you through the assessments so you understand how it showcases your attributes and sets you apart from the competition. You will gain a clear understanding of how these qualities have elevated you in the past and how to apply them for success in the future.

Business and Life Coaching

Is for individuals who are motivated to continue to grow in order to achieve their professional or personal goals. Coaching services are highly flexible, recognizing that each coaching situation is unique and will require a customized approach. Coaching can involve brainstorming, values clarification, goal-setting, identifying plans of action, accountability, agreements to change behavior, examining lifestyles, and questioning.

Assessments—are used to help you better understand your communication style, values, strengths, gifts, and talents

Goal Setting—is a critical part of the coaching process.  Each session is focused on identifying the path to reaching your goal and overcoming obstacles that get in the way.

Strategy & Action Plans—During each coaching session you will identify strategies and actions to move you closer to your goal.

Corporate Services

In today’s ever-changing competitive landscape organizations are looking for ways to attract and retain key talent, as well as develop leaders with the skills needed today and in the future. My Corporate Services include Executive Coaching, Career Transition Services, New Leader Assimilation, and Workshops.

Executive Coaching—A typical process is made up of seven phases and includes 360-degree interviews, assessments, goal setting, and strategic action plans to drive changes necessary to achieve coaching goals.

Emerging Leader Coaching—Is for high potential supervisors or individual contributors being groomed for future leadership roles.  This includes assessments, goal setting, and action plans to identify strengths and strategies for managing your career and building strategic relationships internally.

Mid-level Coaching—Is for middle management and will also include assessments, goal setting, and action plans to develop strengths and leadership skills as part of succession planning or career development.

New Leader Assimilation Coaching —If you are stepping into a senior leadership position, quickly building trust among your new team is crucial to your success. 

My New Leader Assimilation process will provide you with strategies to quickly build trust and gain the confidence of your employees while creating a positive working environment among your team. You will learn techniques to communicate in a style and tone that inspires your employees to perform at their highest levels. 

With my guidance, you will gain the tools and insight needed to succeed in your new role from day one.

Because of Robin I have come to appreciate my strengths and act on them purposefully. I would not be where I am today without her guidance and support. I happily recommend Robin to help you “discover your hidden gifts and talents!”

Johanna Harley, Dayton Regional Development Manager at Cincinnati Bell

Robin is an incredible individual who shared her gift for coaching with me to ensure I reached my goals. I highly recommend her for any setting in which you seek to inspire your team or could use a little inspiration yourself.

Hannah Krafka, Senior Media Relations Specialist at CareSource

After years of using her for outsourcing and other human resources help, I recommended her for my department when our Dayton office closed, and she has not disappointed us with her results and follow-through in a very difficult hiring environment. The majority of our department have already gone onto bigger and better things and the others are on the right track to achieve that goal shortly.

Mildred Woryk, Former VP, Human Resources, Tomkins Limited

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